Women's History Month Challenge

Women's History Month Challenge

In this week’s Small Business Spotlight, I issue a challenge to all women business owners to put themselves in the spotlight.  

Cherry Blossom Intimates

Cherry Blossom Intimates is a first of its kind breast health and lingerie boutique in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Once a week, as part of the Small Business Spotlight, I’ll bring you an episode of their video series, Behind The Pink Wall.

Green Panther Chef

Jazmine “Chef Jazz” Moore is a formally trained chef and a survivor of Crohn’s disease.

Once down to 84 pounds while on traditional medications, Jazmine began researching alternative treatments and cannabis kept coming up.

So Jazmine did what a chef does and she applied her culinary training to developing a cannabis-infused diet for herself. After much trial and error, Jazmine is now healthy and more than ten years removed from taking any of the traditional medications prescribed for Crohn’s disease.

Chef Jazz is now on a mission through her company, Green Panther Chef, to educate people on how to heal themselves through healthy eating.

Every week, through my commercial photography division, Park Road Studios, I'll be bringing you something from the Green Panther Chef.

There are lots more cooking demonstrations, recipes, and culinary tips on GreenPantherChef.com, so be sure to subscribe there so you don't miss anything.

Chef Jazz was a chef before she started cooking with cannabis. Cannabis is a medicinal ingredient, not a flavor ingredient, so all of these recipes can be used without any cannabis by anyone who just enjoys great cooking.

If you enjoy this kind of content, be sure to subscribe to the blog so you never miss a video.

You’ll see lots of interesting stories from a diverse array of business owners and you just might discover someone who solves a problem you need help with.

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And don’t forget to support the business owners you see on this blog by sharing their videos. Many small businesses do great work, but struggle financially because not enough people know they exist.

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